Madagascar, Past and Present: Biodiversity, Extinction & Conservation
Student research projects are the central pillar of this field school experience - our students generate real data to answer novel questions. We encourage students to go on and present their results in publications and conference presentations such as the ones listed below (field school participants are indicated in bold):
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Miller RT, Raharison JL, Irwin MT (2017) Competition for dead trees between humans and aye-ayes (Daubentonia madagascariensis) in central eastern Madagascar. Primates 58:367-375.
Conference Presentations
Vololontsoa CT, Ranaivoarisoa JF, Raharison FJL, Irwin MT (2017) Patch depletion behavior of Propithecus diadema in Tsinjoarivo. Malagasy Primatological Society Congress, Toamasina, December 2017.
Rijamanalina HG, Ranaivoarisoa JF, Raharison FJL, Irwin MT (2017) Geometrical position of sifaka (Propithecus diadema) group members in Tsinjoarivo fragmented forest. Malagasy Primatological Society Congress, Toamasina, December 2017.
Fisher JA, Irwin MT, Samonds KE, Raharison JL (2015) Supplementing child health in Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar. Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology.
Fisher JA, Peterson F, Irwin MT (2015) Human diet and health in the fragmented forests of Madagascar. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.
Carbone C, Miller R, Irwin MT (2015) Resource use by aye-ayes in small forest fragments in eastern Madagascar. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.
Irwin MT, Andriamisedra T, Bettino L, Fitzpatrick MC, Randriamasy T, Rabetoandro N, Vololonoro H, Raharison JL (2015) Together in solitude: Sifakas and bamboo lemurs cycle through food patches rapidly and rarely share. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.
Irwin MT, Andriamisedra TR, Bettino L, Randriamasy T, Rabetoandro N, Raharison J-L (2014) Together in solitude: foraging of sifakas and bamboo lemurs is characterized by low rates of patch sharing within groups. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, October 2014.
Fitzpatrick M, Irwin M (2014) Effects of habitat change on Hapalemur griseus feeding ecology and parasite load. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, October 2014.
Alldredge KL, Romer ZC, Fitzpatrick MC, Irwin MT (2014) Strongyloids in the soil: An exploration of gastrointestinal parasite load and geophagy in lemurs at Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.
Bender CR, Irwin MT (2014) What’s grit got to do with it: An analysis of grit accumulation in the canopy of a fragmented forest of Madagascar? Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.
Irwin MT, Vololonoro H, Fitzpatrick M, Raharison JL (2013) Why do (some) primates have smaller home ranges in degraded habitat? A test case examining two sympatric lemurs. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, October 2013.
Fitzpatrick M, Vololonoro H, Irwin M (2013) Effects of habitat change on Hapalemur griseus feeding ecology and activity patterns. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, October 2013.
Alldredge K, Godfrey L, Irwin M (2013). Roundworms on the red island: Gastrointestinal parasite intensity in four lemur species from the Tsinjoarivo region, Madagascar. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.